Policy and Programme Recommendations
tempus fugit – time flies / time runs away
Clearly there is little time to lose. The time for preparing for the effects of climate change is now. That is why the Cluster has adopted the tempus fugit (time flies) slogan, and the ‘FUGIT’ acronym to summarise its Recommendations for specific actions across five broader themes.

The FUGIT Recommendations, with relevance at regional, national and European levels, are based on the practical experiences of 100 Cluster organisations while implementing their local and regional projects. Thus, the Recommendations make concrete reference to the deficits and problems that were encountered as well as to good practice solutions.
The draft policy recommendations were presented and discussed at the 2nd Cluster Expert Board, June 25-26, 2012 in Brussels with representatives from European, national and regional levels.
The revised full document is available for download here.
In addition, in the evaluations and discussions some conclusions were drawn that could be interesting for the drafting groups of the new INTERREG Programmes 2014 – 2020.
The observations made in the implementation of measures and strategies were condensed and summarised to transferable conclusions regarding
- the general programme framework and
- the sector-related content of the programme.
The document is available for download here.